Thursday, November 24, 2011

Just For You, Sis!

The post, anyway.
Has it really been a week since I posted last? More? Oops..

Been sticking to the points more or less religiously, had one day when we went fuckit and blew the budget,nut honestly, homemade fish and chips and squid in beer batter is worth it.

Haven't weighed in the last few days, mainly because I forget, have breaking and then go, nah, I've eaten so the results will be off.

So that's hopefully the thing I will be doing tomorrow, weighing my fat ass!

Been on a few walks into town and back, so that's about 5km there for the round trip, still thinking about getting a pushie, over going to the gym, I think I would use the bike quite a bit, I'm slack and don't want to walk everywhere anymore, a bike is faster, and frankly my ankle STILL hurts if it's over taxed. Bikes are a no impact form of excerseiz unless you fall off!

Honestly it would make the 3/4 hour walk into town take like ten minutes. That's including traffic. And probably about 20mins In the other direction to the other shopping centre, Ings Meadows, (which is also where the gym is) but that's just coz the road is windy and uphill most of the way.

The bikes I've looked at so far have ranged from 150 from Kmart, which was pretty basic, to 350 from the bike shop down the road, which, while it was the basic version of the series it belonged to, blew the Kmart cheapie out of the water, if nothing else but the fact it had better parts! And was a damn sight more comfy, plus came with 3 year free servicing on top of the warranty.

I know ive said that the roads around here are death traps beau of the councils wisdom on marking bike lanes on roads that really were barely wide enough for 2 lanes, but the people at the bike shop told me about a LOT of back roads and tracks, so everything looks a lot safer and easiewr now. I'll likely put it on lay buy, no matter where I go, I hate being broke. :(

Did I blabber on about how ive decided to get into doing my own tapestry designs and stuff? Well i have, and I've figured out, if not the fastest way to do it, the most versatile. Get a cheap projector form somewhere like cashies, shine the pic onto the tapestry, and paint/draw/etc onto the tapestry cloth like that. Fully customisable sizes that wa, too.

Of course, that has to be a 'sometime down the track' thing, because tapestry cloth goes for over 20 a meter, and projectors aren't cheap. Plus I need to come up with some designs first. And then test them. And then produce a few of each size... Then list them!
So it's a bit of work to start off with, but I hope that it'll end up happening. And if you know my sense of humour... Yeah. These ain't ones that grannies would be making, lol.

I'm thinking of my first one : a biggish one, bordered,with "vittu!" on it. Vittu is Finnish for fuck. ;). So from there, let you mind wander, and these will be my staple as such. Sure there'll be fantasy and other things, but off centre will be the good stuff. Top hat mustachioed octopi for example. Actually I already have a pic for that.. Hmm.

Oh, boots had his stitches out on Monday, he's all fixed finally! He's been SO good through all this, considering he's put up with a lot of pain and stays in the vets, poor bugger. OH if you ever see these, and have cat/ know someone with cat, get the natures own treats, I think they're called love bites or something like that? CAT CRACK I TELL YOU. Boots goes mental over these. Utterly batshit. Took him a few goes to get around the funky smell, but as soon as he ate one? He was begging like a dog, sitting straight up on his ass, mowing his voice box out. If you chuck em, he will chase them, swallow, and come back looking for more. Freak.

So.. Yeah. That's the news of the day, and I think I need to stop looking at the pad and get some sleep! Night!

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