Thursday, November 3, 2011

Introductions Are In Order!

To my faithful no followers (because as of typing this I haven’t even created the blog name), I welcome you to Ark’s Attempts To Lose A Human!
This blog, assuming I don’t forget about it, will be directed towards my goal to lose a human bean in weight off myself. I want to be a skinny jealous loser, want to be fitter for when I get hitched in roughly 2014, and need to get this hitchhiker off me for medical reasons – mainly my PCOS, and Lumbar Back Disease, and Chronic Vertigo.
At this moment of writing, I’m a flabby 130kg, and my wigglytuffs have jigglypuffs. And they probably have Igglybuffs.
My goal is to lose 50kg, or get to a size 14-16 in Australian sizes, whichever comes last. I want to be fit, not super skinny. I also want to be able to spawn a crotchfruit, and that sure as hell isn’t going to happen unless I lose weight. Hell, even rocks can reproduce better than I can.
I have my motivations for being this heavy, mostly born from my childhood and teenage years, and food became my go-to. Especially soft cheeses. Double Brie, Blue Brie and Triple Camembert were my friends, and later, when I got a car, 11pm KFC became another bestie.
I make no apologies or excuses for doing what I did, I knew why I was doing it, and chose to ignore what it was doing to me.
On  a brighter note, I have come to realise that I can’t keep stuffing my gullet with delicious delicious food. I have decided to take up the challenge of getting this teenager off me, and having to quit my job due to weight illness related crap a couple of months ago woke me up to that.
I’m trying to start gardening, and have taken up tapestry, for 1) the hell of it, 2) I’ve always enjoyed gardening, I’m just lazy – hence the  tapestry, and 3) The gardening gives me something low impact yet excersisy, and the tapestry gives me something to do with my hands when I need downtime, to help with my trichotillomania.
And that’s about all I can think of now – need to go and figure out what is available for a blog address. And to go click dragon eggs.

-          Arkani

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