Saturday, November 12, 2011

Enter Day 3: Essentially the halfway point!

So because i've been lazy and forgotten, I actually dont have a starting weight for this thing. Let's go with 130, it's a nice round number and probably what my weight was.
I weighed myself yesterday, before doing some light excersize on my Wii Fit - I was 128.9 And I just realised i've typod that in  the last post. Derp.
Anyway, today i'm at 126.5kg. tummy still looks big and flabby, but it's not as solid. OMG YOU GIUZE ITS WERKING!

Holy fuck! If it wasnt for the fact that i'm over the soup already, and REALLY want a big oven baked french loaf with top quality salted butter... on it... *wipes off drool*  and a nice huge steak... yumm... where was I? um.. Oh yeah.
I am over the soup, honestly. there's only so much veggies I can take, and i think i'm having my fill of them for the rest of the year.
I also miss pasta. and cheese. Delicious delicious cheese, that helped me get to where I am today! (wait, thats a bad thing. Oh well - mmmm... cheese.....*homer simpson drool*)

Anton, yesterday, was 100.5kg - today he's 98.5kg. WTF HE LOST MORE THAN ME
I think it has something to do with this - his body isn't fucked like mine is. also he's male. damn him.

Still the windy city around here though, so if you here of any wind storms in tassie,  oops.

Wish i'd bought more watermelon though, and another rockmelon. /craving melons LOL

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