Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 7: ..Oops...

So I burned the last of the soup to the pot by accident. fuck.

Anton and I decided to not cry over the dead soup, have a 'free day' of sorts, and start on the points from tomorrow on.
Yes, this means I had 'fried rice' for breakfast. All it was was cookedbrown rice, an egg that was dry scrambled, a 1/4 rasher of bacon (mmmmm...) and a tablespoon of sweet soy sauce.
I really need to go and do some shopping, LOL.
Whats sad, though, is that of the 200 shopping budget for the fortnight, i've only got 20 left. All i've bought is cleaning and hygeine (toilet paper, shampoo etc), crap... and veggies for the soup.

Dammit, I miss the uber cheapness of the spud shed, LOL!

Today, i'm sitting on 123.1kg i've gained .3kg since last weigh.
and Anton is up to 97.something, he gained 1.7kg since last weigh. I think it was thesultanas he ate, and the (admittedly like, 5) almonds.
i'm going to do one more weigh tomorrow, though i'll be expecting a gain, because our bodys will be all 'holy hell! food! OMNOMNOMNOM'
but then it'll be weekly weigh ins, and starting the points.
I get 27points, anton gets 30.

All in all though, I'm happy with how much i've lost over this week - 7kg? fuck yeah.
Anton has lost about 4-5kg, but then, he did cheat a bit. More than me, anyway.

The Wii fit is definetly coming in handy for weighing and stuff - it's the one constant thing, LOL and if we feel like i we can weigh the cat, or play games.

The tv really does need to be bigger/mounted ont eh wall or something. it hurts to look at the screen sometimes, you have to bend over to reallysee it. something will have to be done about that. even if it's just raising it or something.

It's smaller than your computer monitor, Cait.

Anyway, i'm off, to go and annoyBoots, who is 'stalking' a bird that's outside. he's sitting on my desk, on the inside of the house.

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