Thursday, December 1, 2011

It's official!

Im forgetful!

Nothing much has been happening, apart from getting a freezer yesterday.
Hopefully there'll be specials a the shops, so I can get lots of stuff to make for pre portioned meals.
Or something.
the other plan is to get 100000kg of bacon and stick it in there, to hav cold bacon baths.

been rather tired as of late, and still trying to excersise, but still cant do to much, ankle is STILL. FUCKING. HURTHING. and i can hurt it really easy too! walk into town? yup, its going to be caning later. dont stretch it enough before i get up in the morning? cant barely stand on it. i hate this ankle at the moment. it's not like I can just, not use it, you know? need to stand? need to walk? need to shove it up idiots asses? you need your foot, therefore ankle. >.<

havent got any further on the wedding front, really should get some emails going for enquiries etc.
i'll do it later. or something. I have super powers! too bad its procrastination.

OH do you remember me bitching to you guys about not having any NYE fireworks/activities in lonnie last year? well this year they do have fireworks and stuff!

...its $18 per adult to get in.


WTF, launceston council!

the sooner i'm home the better. I miss you lot.

I think i'm on my not-rags at the moment, i'm a lot more high strung andmood-swingy than normal. Not-rags is a thing I have, in between actual ragtimes. I get mood swingy and achey and ragey all at once... for about a fortnight. oh and bloated, and have an insatiable craving for one of the following:
icecream (especially in wither for some reason)
chips (hot/packet, it's all good.)

but only one per not-rag times. right now its cheese. yummy soft white cheese, like triple cream camembert or something. you know, sooo healthy lol.

havent got to the gym yet, saving pennies still. 250 each is a lot, for 3 months! that bike is looking better all the time.

will be starting the christmas gift making next week, so far on the menu:

possibly on the menu:
spiced/coated nuts.
window bikkies.

also, just because this is funny - the Ikea Directions for making Baby!

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