Thursday, November 10, 2011

Starting Properly: Day 1

I've decided, with Anton, to do the soup diet this week, and then go and do weight watchers/chocolate diet or something like that. I was inspired by my sister (Hi Cait! :D) and Brother in Law (Hi Leigh!) who did this, then went onto the WW Core Plan.

So I made the soup up, using liquid stock (chicken, reduced salt) instead of stock cubes and V8 Juice, and green onions,  and damn, it tastes almost enjoyable! I've done this soup before, and never made it out of the 3rd day, I always found it so god awful.

The soup:
admittedly it does look like reddish slop in this pic, actually thats pretty much what the soup is.
I'm allowed fruit and soup today, and i've had a pear, apricot and nectarine for brekkie, and 2 bowls of soup so far.

Anton's mum came over earlier too, and brought some tomato plants with her, 2 oxheart ones and a 'mystery tomato'. I really need to get out and garden, i've got some bean seedlings and some butternut pumpkins that need planting out. Plus I want to get some sweet corn, OM NOM NOM.

Boots is being very helpful and making sure that they are OK from travelling. 

We were given a bbq from them (anton's parents) as well! they dont use it, and the O ring does need to get replaced, but hey! free stuff!

I think that's all for today, I think I might go and Seasol my cherry tree.

Oh yeah - boots had the pin taken out yesterday, here's a pic of how silly he looks at the moment (compared to usual)

you forget how skinny their legs are, under all that fuzz. The bone has healed up perfectly, which is a great relief, though.

OK GOING NOW. Off to look at my dragin eggs!  Click this?

1 comment:

  1. U guys r doing a great job!! Keep it up :) and boots leg looks so wierdo eith no hair lol Xx
