Thursday, November 24, 2011

Just For You, Sis!

The post, anyway.
Has it really been a week since I posted last? More? Oops..

Been sticking to the points more or less religiously, had one day when we went fuckit and blew the budget,nut honestly, homemade fish and chips and squid in beer batter is worth it.

Haven't weighed in the last few days, mainly because I forget, have breaking and then go, nah, I've eaten so the results will be off.

So that's hopefully the thing I will be doing tomorrow, weighing my fat ass!

Been on a few walks into town and back, so that's about 5km there for the round trip, still thinking about getting a pushie, over going to the gym, I think I would use the bike quite a bit, I'm slack and don't want to walk everywhere anymore, a bike is faster, and frankly my ankle STILL hurts if it's over taxed. Bikes are a no impact form of excerseiz unless you fall off!

Honestly it would make the 3/4 hour walk into town take like ten minutes. That's including traffic. And probably about 20mins In the other direction to the other shopping centre, Ings Meadows, (which is also where the gym is) but that's just coz the road is windy and uphill most of the way.

The bikes I've looked at so far have ranged from 150 from Kmart, which was pretty basic, to 350 from the bike shop down the road, which, while it was the basic version of the series it belonged to, blew the Kmart cheapie out of the water, if nothing else but the fact it had better parts! And was a damn sight more comfy, plus came with 3 year free servicing on top of the warranty.

I know ive said that the roads around here are death traps beau of the councils wisdom on marking bike lanes on roads that really were barely wide enough for 2 lanes, but the people at the bike shop told me about a LOT of back roads and tracks, so everything looks a lot safer and easiewr now. I'll likely put it on lay buy, no matter where I go, I hate being broke. :(

Did I blabber on about how ive decided to get into doing my own tapestry designs and stuff? Well i have, and I've figured out, if not the fastest way to do it, the most versatile. Get a cheap projector form somewhere like cashies, shine the pic onto the tapestry, and paint/draw/etc onto the tapestry cloth like that. Fully customisable sizes that wa, too.

Of course, that has to be a 'sometime down the track' thing, because tapestry cloth goes for over 20 a meter, and projectors aren't cheap. Plus I need to come up with some designs first. And then test them. And then produce a few of each size... Then list them!
So it's a bit of work to start off with, but I hope that it'll end up happening. And if you know my sense of humour... Yeah. These ain't ones that grannies would be making, lol.

I'm thinking of my first one : a biggish one, bordered,with "vittu!" on it. Vittu is Finnish for fuck. ;). So from there, let you mind wander, and these will be my staple as such. Sure there'll be fantasy and other things, but off centre will be the good stuff. Top hat mustachioed octopi for example. Actually I already have a pic for that.. Hmm.

Oh, boots had his stitches out on Monday, he's all fixed finally! He's been SO good through all this, considering he's put up with a lot of pain and stays in the vets, poor bugger. OH if you ever see these, and have cat/ know someone with cat, get the natures own treats, I think they're called love bites or something like that? CAT CRACK I TELL YOU. Boots goes mental over these. Utterly batshit. Took him a few goes to get around the funky smell, but as soon as he ate one? He was begging like a dog, sitting straight up on his ass, mowing his voice box out. If you chuck em, he will chase them, swallow, and come back looking for more. Freak.

So.. Yeah. That's the news of the day, and I think I need to stop looking at the pad and get some sleep! Night!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 7: ..Oops...

So I burned the last of the soup to the pot by accident. fuck.

Anton and I decided to not cry over the dead soup, have a 'free day' of sorts, and start on the points from tomorrow on.
Yes, this means I had 'fried rice' for breakfast. All it was was cookedbrown rice, an egg that was dry scrambled, a 1/4 rasher of bacon (mmmmm...) and a tablespoon of sweet soy sauce.
I really need to go and do some shopping, LOL.
Whats sad, though, is that of the 200 shopping budget for the fortnight, i've only got 20 left. All i've bought is cleaning and hygeine (toilet paper, shampoo etc), crap... and veggies for the soup.

Dammit, I miss the uber cheapness of the spud shed, LOL!

Today, i'm sitting on 123.1kg i've gained .3kg since last weigh.
and Anton is up to 97.something, he gained 1.7kg since last weigh. I think it was thesultanas he ate, and the (admittedly like, 5) almonds.
i'm going to do one more weigh tomorrow, though i'll be expecting a gain, because our bodys will be all 'holy hell! food! OMNOMNOMNOM'
but then it'll be weekly weigh ins, and starting the points.
I get 27points, anton gets 30.

All in all though, I'm happy with how much i've lost over this week - 7kg? fuck yeah.
Anton has lost about 4-5kg, but then, he did cheat a bit. More than me, anyway.

The Wii fit is definetly coming in handy for weighing and stuff - it's the one constant thing, LOL and if we feel like i we can weigh the cat, or play games.

The tv really does need to be bigger/mounted ont eh wall or something. it hurts to look at the screen sometimes, you have to bend over to reallysee it. something will have to be done about that. even if it's just raising it or something.

It's smaller than your computer monitor, Cait.

Anyway, i'm off, to go and annoyBoots, who is 'stalking' a bird that's outside. he's sitting on my desk, on the inside of the house.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 6: Almost there!

Thank F*ck!
I am honestly sick and tired and uuugh.... and that goes for the soup too!
Today is red meat day, tomorrow isbrown rice day, then we'll be done and dusted.
I think today may end up being the hardest day for me - I feel physically sick when I think about having to eat that soup, and considerin I only ate 1 bowl of it yesterday probably has something to do with the fact I lost .4kg since the same time yesterday. Oh and I had a coke zero.
Anton did too,and he sitll lost 2.3kg, since same time yesterday. ass.

This means Anton is down to 95.5
and I'm at 122. 8

Which isnt bad for me, really - I was at 130ish when this started, so i've lost up to 7/8kg at this stage.
And I am noticing it - it's much easier for me to scratch my ass now! :P

I guess the aim for myself, for today and tomorrow, will be to eat at least 2 bowls of soup, if I can manage it, 3 or 4. This diet is working, as much as it is grating at my stubbornpower.

Cait/Leigh, if you read this, what was your worst days on this?

Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 5 - Meeeeeeaaaaat... *drool*

Anton has lost .8kg
I have lost 1.1kg
I'mtoo lazy to do the sums at the moment.
Going out in a bit, need to get more soupy stuff. Will come back and edit this post later.
Had chicken tenderloins for breakfast. AAAAW YEAH.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Day 4: Oh God Will I EVER Stop Peeing?

I think I need a cork. or catheter or something. >.<

Dont have much to say today - its wet and raining on and off, so not too much doing in the outside world.
I lost 1.1kg on the scales today! That brings me down to 124.5kg
Anton has had no change.

We did be a little naughty last night - sardines on toast, and damn it was goood.
today is banana day, and tomorrow is a meat day - not long to go!


I jinxed myself earlier! There's a huge ass storm (read huge-ass storm, not huge ass-storm) going on intermittently. Spooking the hell out of poor Boots, though.

Also, there's no one in the box, ok? No one was playing in there earlier, nor does anyone try and climb into it to play every night. ;)

I also saw this the other day - YES PLZ

One other thing. i'm having a bottle of water on me at all times. this has resulted in getting to the point where 1 bottle of water in = 2 trips to the loo. yay. >.>  Just thought you all ought to know that. ;)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Enter Day 3: Essentially the halfway point!

So because i've been lazy and forgotten, I actually dont have a starting weight for this thing. Let's go with 130, it's a nice round number and probably what my weight was.
I weighed myself yesterday, before doing some light excersize on my Wii Fit - I was 128.9 And I just realised i've typod that in  the last post. Derp.
Anyway, today i'm at 126.5kg. tummy still looks big and flabby, but it's not as solid. OMG YOU GIUZE ITS WERKING!

Holy fuck! If it wasnt for the fact that i'm over the soup already, and REALLY want a big oven baked french loaf with top quality salted butter... on it... *wipes off drool*  and a nice huge steak... yumm... where was I? um.. Oh yeah.
I am over the soup, honestly. there's only so much veggies I can take, and i think i'm having my fill of them for the rest of the year.
I also miss pasta. and cheese. Delicious delicious cheese, that helped me get to where I am today! (wait, thats a bad thing. Oh well - mmmm... cheese.....*homer simpson drool*)

Anton, yesterday, was 100.5kg - today he's 98.5kg. WTF HE LOST MORE THAN ME
I think it has something to do with this - his body isn't fucked like mine is. also he's male. damn him.

Still the windy city around here though, so if you here of any wind storms in tassie,  oops.

Wish i'd bought more watermelon though, and another rockmelon. /craving melons LOL

Day 2 again


I feel better for it, actually. Guess I needed something 'solid' instead of soup, soup soup.

In related news, I has an excite - about 200pages away from finishing up Assasins' Quest, and then I go onto Inheritance. Yay dragons :D

Speaking of dragons - yup, more whoring out of my eggies. All you have to do is click on the link, let it load and then close it. It counts as views, and that helps my e-dragons grow. You don't want them to DIE, do you?
Think of the dragon babies!

My main account

As you can see, i've been 'imaginative' about my account names. >.>

Friday, November 11, 2011

Day 2? I think I need to adjust the GMT on these posts....

Well, it's starting to become the Windy City around here. The cat nearly dropped both Anton and myself earlier, and he dosent like the soup!

Day2, either way - veggie day. Was given a huge broccoli yesterday, fresh out of the dirt. It's mostly gone now.

Still havent measured/weighed myself yet, for I am lazy.
Anton is complaining that he wants a hunk of meat, and I can agree with him for that, I know i'm a meatatarian!

We've gone through almost all of the first batch of soup, will have to make some more later. Doing it in the slow cooker seems to work well, even with the fact that I have to put the big can of tomoatoes on the lid to hold it closed, until the cabbage wilts enough to add the toms, then blitz the hell out of that. Even then, it's a really close thing to overflowing.

Actually, i'm going to go weigh myself now.


i'm 128.9kg
Anton is 100.5kg

With any luck i'll get under 120 this week, I know anton wants to drop about 20-30kg, but hehasnt said anything about hopes for losses.

And I also did gardening yesterday, planted out the tomatoes, pumpkins, snow peas and the sugar snap peas. DAMN those pots were heavy to move.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Starting Properly: Day 1

I've decided, with Anton, to do the soup diet this week, and then go and do weight watchers/chocolate diet or something like that. I was inspired by my sister (Hi Cait! :D) and Brother in Law (Hi Leigh!) who did this, then went onto the WW Core Plan.

So I made the soup up, using liquid stock (chicken, reduced salt) instead of stock cubes and V8 Juice, and green onions,  and damn, it tastes almost enjoyable! I've done this soup before, and never made it out of the 3rd day, I always found it so god awful.

The soup:
admittedly it does look like reddish slop in this pic, actually thats pretty much what the soup is.
I'm allowed fruit and soup today, and i've had a pear, apricot and nectarine for brekkie, and 2 bowls of soup so far.

Anton's mum came over earlier too, and brought some tomato plants with her, 2 oxheart ones and a 'mystery tomato'. I really need to get out and garden, i've got some bean seedlings and some butternut pumpkins that need planting out. Plus I want to get some sweet corn, OM NOM NOM.

Boots is being very helpful and making sure that they are OK from travelling. 

We were given a bbq from them (anton's parents) as well! they dont use it, and the O ring does need to get replaced, but hey! free stuff!

I think that's all for today, I think I might go and Seasol my cherry tree.

Oh yeah - boots had the pin taken out yesterday, here's a pic of how silly he looks at the moment (compared to usual)

you forget how skinny their legs are, under all that fuzz. The bone has healed up perfectly, which is a great relief, though.

OK GOING NOW. Off to look at my dragin eggs!  Click this?

Friday, November 4, 2011

Day 1...ish

last night i had grilled fish, salad and couscous.
Today ive had nothing yet.
still havent found my tape measure.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Introductions Are In Order!

To my faithful no followers (because as of typing this I haven’t even created the blog name), I welcome you to Ark’s Attempts To Lose A Human!
This blog, assuming I don’t forget about it, will be directed towards my goal to lose a human bean in weight off myself. I want to be a skinny jealous loser, want to be fitter for when I get hitched in roughly 2014, and need to get this hitchhiker off me for medical reasons – mainly my PCOS, and Lumbar Back Disease, and Chronic Vertigo.
At this moment of writing, I’m a flabby 130kg, and my wigglytuffs have jigglypuffs. And they probably have Igglybuffs.
My goal is to lose 50kg, or get to a size 14-16 in Australian sizes, whichever comes last. I want to be fit, not super skinny. I also want to be able to spawn a crotchfruit, and that sure as hell isn’t going to happen unless I lose weight. Hell, even rocks can reproduce better than I can.
I have my motivations for being this heavy, mostly born from my childhood and teenage years, and food became my go-to. Especially soft cheeses. Double Brie, Blue Brie and Triple Camembert were my friends, and later, when I got a car, 11pm KFC became another bestie.
I make no apologies or excuses for doing what I did, I knew why I was doing it, and chose to ignore what it was doing to me.
On  a brighter note, I have come to realise that I can’t keep stuffing my gullet with delicious delicious food. I have decided to take up the challenge of getting this teenager off me, and having to quit my job due to weight illness related crap a couple of months ago woke me up to that.
I’m trying to start gardening, and have taken up tapestry, for 1) the hell of it, 2) I’ve always enjoyed gardening, I’m just lazy – hence the  tapestry, and 3) The gardening gives me something low impact yet excersisy, and the tapestry gives me something to do with my hands when I need downtime, to help with my trichotillomania.
And that’s about all I can think of now – need to go and figure out what is available for a blog address. And to go click dragon eggs.

-          Arkani