Saturday, December 29, 2012

*pokes blog with a stick*

It's dead, Jim.

My New Years resolution - blog here more often. Like, more than 6x / year.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Brain's Checked out, may not come back.

So i've ignored this blog for a while now
Ended up making a Fitcoracy account, and also signed up for that million kilo challenge.
Not going to tell the team name, as it is 1) in finnish, and 2) meant for the forumites. Also it's naughty words. "fat fuckers" to be exact.

so... yeah.
Seriously you should join fitocracy. they've got mums groups, fun groups, weight loss groups... its done so you can get achievements and level up - theyve given it an rpg feel to it. so excersixe = a big game! it makes it a bit more fun though, which is good.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Happy New Year! Also Fitocracy

Happy new year and all that jazz!

Now, i'm a member of an internet community ( - most recently in the news because of the bullshit paypal pulled for our secret santa efforts -    For more info.

It's workout social networking mixed with RPG elements. You log your workouts into Fitocracy and earn achievements and experience points. You can join groups, enter contests, and track your fitness goals.  (stolen shamelessly from rjoriginals on the forum.)

  It's quite fun acutally - I logged a cycle to the shops and back, and was immediatley leveled up! I've also managed to complete a quest (do certain excersizes in a #days time frame.) and i've also gotten achievement badges, just for being friendly.

I'm acutally being motivated, which is amazing - i've been having a very meh time lately. nothing I want = no motivation.. just 'getting healthy' or 'losing weight' aren't motivation, it seems.

edit actually it looks like i've completed 3 quests, and 2 achievements!